S’more Cookie Bars
A couple weeks ago, Trevor had a confession for me – he had never eaten a s’more before. When I heard this, my childhood wept for him. I have fond memories of camping with my family across Canada in my youth. Besides the joy of eating outside with the mosquitoes and getting lost in the memorizing spell that is watching a log crinkle and burn over the spitting bonfire at night, roasting marshmallows on sticks and squishing them between stale graham crackers and a smidgen of pure milk chocolate was my favourite camping activity.
So in order to calm my nerves and give Trevor some sense of a lost childhood, we bought all the necessary ingredients to make s’mores. The only thing we lacked was the backyard and a bonfire, so we used the only tool available in our tiny apartment. A microwave. The marshmallows puffed up after 12 seconds of rotating heat and we quickly stuffed a tiny square of Dairy Milk chocolate inside and sandwiched it between two (fresh out of the package) graham crackers. The chocolate melted, the marshmallows were sticky and the graham crackers crumbled with each delicious bite. It was heaven.
Trevor was content with only eating one, for fear of aggravating his lactose intolerance further, so he was content with munching on the remaining 1/3 package of graham crackers. I decided that since the first s’more was so awesome, I decided to have another, and then another. My stomach must have been much stronger when I was younger, as now I had to deal with the sugar-enduced stomach ache for the rest of the night.
I had a delicious green smoothie to calm my unhappy stomach the next morning and pondered what to do with the remainder of the s’more ingredients. One popular notion would be to continue eating s’mores every night until I was sick of them and never wanted to looked at another roasted marshmallow again. Another theory would be to bake something delicious to prevent myself from making more s’mores every night. I decided to go with the latter.

S'more Cookie Bars
- 1/2 cup butter/margarine, room temperature
- 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 2 cups flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 bar of milk chocolate, cut up
- 6 graham crackers, ground up
- 8 large marshmallows, cut up
- Preheat your oven to 350*F and grease a 9×13 pan.
- Combine butter/margarine and brown sugar until well mixed. Add eggs one and a time and vanilla. Add flour and baking soda and mix well.
- Scrap the sides of your bowl and spread into the prepared pan.
- Sprinkle all but a tsp of ground graham crackers onto batter and gently pat down to help it stick better. Sprinkle on chocolate, marshmallows and remaining graham crackers.
- Bake for 20-25 minutes until marshmallows are puffy and golden and the cookie dough edges are brown. Let cool before cutting into squares.
Recipe adapted from Cooks.com “Chocolate Chip Bar Cookies“