Quinoa Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Revisited

Quinoa Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Revisited

The idea of revisiting a couple of my older recipes had crossed my mind once or twice over the last year. When I started in 2011, the only camera I owned was my point and shoot (aka Mr. P&S). Mr. P&S was very reliable as a travel camera that could be tossed in my purse, but that’s about where his usefulness ended. I upgraded to a DSLR camera in February 2012 (no nickname, too excited), but that means there were (are) a lot of recipes from that first year of blogging with grainy photos. Many of the shots were taken pretty close to the food too, because for some reason I thought it would, I don’t know, hide the fact that I used to bake and take all my photos in the evening right before I went to bed (hint: it didn’t).

Traditional Bread Stuffing (Grandma Kay’s Recipe)

Traditional Bread Stuffing

I realize that this may not be considered “the best time” to post a stuffing recipe, what with Canadian Thanksgiving come and gone and American Thanksgiving over a month away. But as the temperature continues to drop and the evenings get cooler, I know this stuffing will still make a nice hot side dish to go alongside a Sunday roasted chicken or weekend glazed ham. Just because Thanksgiving is over for us Canadians (and is still on the horizon for those south of the border) doesn’t dismiss the fact that snow and winter are on their way. Now may actually be the best time to stock up on comfort food ideas for the long cold months ahead.

In all honestly, though, I did originally plan to remake and take photos of this recipe at some time at the end of the year. But it worked out that I was the first person to finish my supper (lupper?) on Thanksgiving and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use my camera in the natural daylight. You may notice that the staging in these photos are a little rough and all of the food is awkwardly piled on one side of the dish. But that day I was fueled by turkey, gravy, and determination, so nothing was going to stop me. Plus I like to think that the holidays are not so much about getting things perfect as they are about eating good food and spending time with the people you love.

Lightly Spiced Carrot Bread

Lightly Spiced Carrot Bread

Last week I was hit with a horrendous case of the common cold that left me sniffling, sneezing and hacking for days on end. Monday, I was fine. Tuesday, I was a little congested. But by Wednesday, I was a mess and had to call in sick. I think my co-workers were secretly gracious because besides being contagious, they were able to get a break from listening to me sneeze and blow my nose every 5 minutes.

Pumpkin Bran Muffins with Walnuts

Pumpkin Bran Muffins with Walnuts

Trevor and I have a running joke called “not enough hours in the day” which can be applied to many, many things:

“You live in Toronto and you haven’t been to [blank]? You need to go!”

“I recently read [blank] and really enjoyed it. You should read it.”

“[Blank] is a really great TV show and you would definitely like it. It’s on Netflix and there are only 999,999,999 seasons, so it’s easy to catch up.”

Baked Peaches with Oatmeal Crumble for Two

Baked Peaches with Oatmeal Crumble for Two

August is one of my favorite months of the year. Besides this being the month that Trevor and I were married, I also consider it to be the best time to check out the farmer’s markets. I’ve been visiting the market behind the St. Lawrence Market every Saturday since early July and each week I end up coming home with more items than were on my list (thank goodness for the bus stop beside our building). Last weekend, though, I had to hold back because in a few days we’ll be flying out to visit my parents. I stocked up on a few things we had run out of and in the end, I caved and bought one large basket of peaches. After making a small batch of jam (the obsession continues), I had a couple little guys left over. Not enough for anything really fancy, but enough for this cute little dessert.