Easy Vegan Pancakes with Fruit Puree

Easy Vegan Pancakes with Fruit Puree

My favourite meal of the day is breakfast. To me, nothing is more satisfying than sleeping in on the weekend and making a hearty, healthy breakfast.

This is also the perfect recipe for a single or couple, as it only makes about 2 servings. They are so delicious that if it made any more, I’d probably gorge myself and eat them all in one sitting.

Easy Jello Lemon Loaf (or Muffins)

 Easy Jello Lemon Loaf

Remember how I mentioned I had a ton of recipes to post from Easter weekend? This is one of them.

My second cousin Mia made around four batches of this wonderful lemon loaf. She was borrowing a cookbook from her roommate and had all the pages bookmarked for the recipes she wanted to try. Over Easter weekend, there was going to be about 20-30 people at the house, so there needed to be a lot of food to feed them. Enter Mia and her four batches of lemon loaf, which when you multiple by two loaves a batch, was about EIGHT lemon loaves in total. The most insane part? She made them at 2am, when everyone else was asleep.

Easy Black Bean Brownies

Easy Black Bean Brownies

This bizarre experiment stemmed from two emotions I experienced on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

One was the insane craving for chocolate. Sometimes I temporary silence this craving by eating a handful of chocolate chips usually reserved for baking, but this day was not the case. On my trip to the kitchen, to the baking cupboard, to the large bag of chocolate chips usually only reserved for baking, my Ghirardelli brownie box caught my eye. And I remembered that I still had one pack left of brownie mix.

Two was the sad and lazy realization that I had used up the last of the eggs the night prior, making muffins. I needed exactly one measly egg to make my beloved brownies and to cure my raging chocolate craving, otherwise the large bag of chocolate chips was going to get it! I didn’t want to go out and get eggs, see as how it was pouring rain outside. There had to be a better substitute! I turned to the internet for help.

Apple Brown Betty with Oats

Apple Brown Betty with Oats

Trevor’s birthday was last week and he isn’t much of a cake person to say the least. He will lovingly taste-test most of the cupcakes I make, but I’m usually stuck eating them myself because he finds them too sweet (this is why cake and cupcakes rarely show up on this blog). However, I think this might also have to do with his milk allergy as not too many frosted cake/cupcake recipes are dairy free.

He is, however, a very big fan of desserts involving baked fruit. I didn’t have the ingredients to make a pie, but I did have the ingredients to make Apple Brown Betty.

Dairy Free Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

Dairy Free Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

It’s been really humid here the last few days, so a lot of my baking is happening at night. I think there is just something so relaxing about baking while everyone else in our building is asleep. It’s almost peaceful, just me, the fan and an open window to let in some of the cool night air.