A long time ago, I purchased a beautiful container of matcha green tea powder with the intention of baking all kinds of delicious matcha flavoured goodies
I made a few things, but then the container was pushed to the back of my cupboard. As I continued to bake things for the blog, I would reach into the cupboard for a bag of flour or baking powder, take notice the little container of matcha powder and would mentally remind myself to use it for my next recipe.
I’m embarrassed to say that this went on for a little while.
If I were stuck on a deserted island and was able to take one food item with me, I would take avocados.
I bet you thought I was going to say chocolate right? Well, that would be my second choice, especially if I lucked out and the island was already populated with avocados (one can dream).
Case in point, we have not only surpassed the 100 day mark, I’m pretty sure we’ve recently passed 90 days until the wedding. This past long weekend, we also managed to eat through an entire Japanese cheesecake. (Both events were not related).
I say “we” but you all know better. Trevor had a slice, maybe two. I couldn’t help it though. I discovered a fantastic new bakery on Spadina Avenue, (near China Town) and the cheesecakes were on sale for $3.50. Having paid double this price the last time I had Japanese cheesecake, I couldn’t pass it up. This was Friday and the cheesecake was non-existent by Sunday night.
Do you ever have days where you just want to stay home and eat chocolate?
I feel like I’ve been having those kind of days a lot lately, especially on the weekends. Sometimes I crave a good stay home day where I get to lounge around in my pjs and catch up my reading. Or my tv shows. Or even my blog reading. I swear, I’m so behind on my favourite baking blogs. What’s the cool thing to make these days? I need to know because I feel like summer is approaching and I’m running out of days where I can use my oven.
I’m interrupting the usual flour and sugar-fueled madness that goes on around here to talk about one of my favourite green smoothie recipes. I was almost hesitate to call it a recipe since I really don’t have a set way of making this drink. Every time I make it it’s a little different since I never measure and tend to just eyeball the ingredients when I’m throwing them into the blender. However, once you find your favourite way of making something, it’s hard not to want to share it with the world.
(Are you still here? Good, I was worried that once you saw the first picture and read the words green smoothie everyone would just stand up and leave. Trust me on this, it’s delicious, refreshing and jam-packed with plenty of vitamins and nutrients. I understand that vitamins and nutrients are not words I use too often here on She Bakes Here, but I thought I would make an exception this time around.)
Canadian food blogger, baking and eating her way through life. Musical theatre fanatic. Personal finance nerd. Sometimes runner/yogi. Green smoothies are pretty amazing.