So like a true sucker, I believed that the worst of winter was over. For the last few days I’ve been noticing that it’s no longer dark when I come home from work and the weather has been warm enough that I don’t require my mitts to already be on my hands before I step outside. I even broke out some of my spring dresses (worn with leggings) because I’m sick of my drab winter wardrobe. I’m not surprised that I’ve been let down though, considering it’s still February and what with my mom warning me about the never-ending snow they’ve been experiencing up in Northern Ontario. It was only a matter of time before the impending snow made an appearance down south as a roaring slushy mess (also known as a typical Toronto winter).
So to celebrate (if that is even the right word) this continuation of colder days to come, I thought I would share a fun recipe for homemade vanilla bean marshmallows. You know, to enjoy in your cup of hot chocolate after you shovel the driveway, dig out your vehicle or even if you just manage to get home in one snowy, wet piece. And if you happen to be blessed with warmer weather right now, I’m sure that these little guys would taste fantastic roasted over a bonfire and sandwiched between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate.
Try as I may, I’m not a very good plan-ahead-of-time-food-blogging person. And you know what? I’m okay with that.
I’ve always enjoyed reading special milestone posts from other bloggers, such as blog anniversaries (blogoversaries?), birthdays, wedding anniversaries…generally anything that celebrates this day as being just a little bit more special . For some of my favourite food bloggers, I can tell you exactly when their birthday is, the date they were married and even when they started their blog based on the above and beyond creativity of these posts.
A couple weeks ago, I decided to join a gym near my office. I figured that it was well enough passed the busy resolution season and I really needed something to get me off the couch. Now three times a week, I pack my running shoes, gym clothes and a water bottle in my old university backpack and lug everything onto the subway during my morning commute. I find that the best motivation is having my workout gear under my desk seeing as how there is no excuse for not going immediately after work if I’ve already made the effort to bring everything with me.
Easing into the gym routine hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be. Of course, I’m clearly knocking on wood here seeing as how I’m only a few weeks into this and my attention span for all things exercise can be pretty bad. A couple summers ago I took advantage of a hot yoga studio’s 30 days for $30 deal and ended up bailing the moment my month was up. I’ve also done pilates (lasted 2 months), exercise DVDs (still on my shelf – I refuse to get rid of them) and Zumba dance classes (just finishing now). At this rate, it will be interesting to see how long this gym thing works out.
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” ― Charles M. Schulz
This first month of 2014 can best be summed up as writer’s block. I have no idea why it’s been such a struggle to write this month, only that all of my posts would have been published much sooner without this sudden huddle I’ve had to face. For some reason as of late, when I sit down to write, my mind goes completely blank. And then when I do start typing, it becomes a mumble-jumble of thoughts and ideas with no real structure and then I turn into the Queen of Random Ideas and Run-On Sentences. I’ve completely run out of new ways to say “delicious” that now I feel like it’s easier if I just call a recipe “awesome.”
It’s no secret here that I love cinnamon buns. If you do a quick search in my search bar, you’ll notice that I’ve posted a few other cinnamon bun recipes, ranging from an adaptation of Ree Drummond’s famous recipe to a quick and easy muffin recipe laced with delicious cinnamon spread. And what’s not to love about a sweet and gooey cinnamon bun? Hot from the oven, drizzled in warm icing and sticky with the luscious mixture of cinnamon, butter and sugar, I would climb over my own husband for one. A perfect afternoon for me would consist of a cinnamon bun + a cup of hot tea + a good book.
In fact, a couple weeks ago I decided right then and there that I wanted this perfect afternoon to happen and set out to make cinnamon buns. The conditions were perfect. The weather outside was cold and snowy, Trevor, still not feeling well, was drinking copious amounts of tea and until that moment, I was pacing around the apartment wondering what I was going to do since I was stuck inside on a snowy day with a sick husband.
Canadian food blogger, baking and eating her way through life. Musical theatre fanatic. Personal finance nerd. Sometimes runner/yogi. Green smoothies are pretty amazing.