Hello! I was going to start by saying how I can’t believe it’s already June, but we’re actually nearing the end of the second week of the month. Hopefully, the rest of summer slows down. My balcony garden is starting to show some promise (Instagram photo here) and already there’s so much seasonal food I want to stuff my face with. Recently an urban farmer’s market set up shop across the street from our condo building and yesterday I had to resist the urge to purchase multiple baskets of local ruby red strawberries. We have an out of town trip planned for this weekend, part of which involves a visit to my favourite market ever (!!), so I’m trying to make sure the fridge is nice and empty before we leave.
Bananas never last in our kitchen. In fact, until recently I’d have to remind myself to put bananas on the list before heading out to the grocery store. Thanks to my almost daily green smoothie habit, we will easily go through a bunch in under a week. Trevor also likes to have a piece of fruit with his breakfast and lately, it became a battle of who got the last banana. Since my weekday green smoothie usually happens after work, I always lost. Until now.
So besides making my own ice cream, I’ve apparently now become a person who makes her own crackers. I know, crazy. If you had told me that I would become this domestic when I first started this blog, I would have laughed and laughed and laughed. Yet here we are, almost 4.5 years later, and I’m posting a recipe for the incredibly long-winded but very addicting olive oil and rosemary sea salt crackers.
One of the main reasons I never thought I would make my own crackers is because they’re pretty cheap to buy and really, what’s easier than opening a box? We always have a box or two going at once because they’re a great snack when we don’t want something sweet, they pair wonderfully with everything (i.e. hummus, guacamole, salsa, soup, etc) and they go on sale at the Shopper’s Drug Mart near our condo all the time. And I’m all for getting optimum points on things like groceries so I can use the points to buy non-grocery things like chocolate. And shampoo when we run out.
I always start things with the best of intentions. Back in early 2014, I had an idea to create another little category on She Bakes Here called “Sweets of Toronto.” Since moving here in 2010, I’ve accumulated a list of favourite bakeries, shops, and sugar-related fun around the city. After constantly posting photos on my Instagram account, I thought it would something I could expand on here.
The first post went up about a month later after Trevor and I took part in the Kensington Market Sweets Tour through Tasty Tours. And then, I’m embarrassed to admit that until today, it remained the only post under the “Sweets of Toronto” category. Once spring hit, we became busy looking for a new place to live and then in the summer, we moved and then immediately flew to the UK for my friend, Crystal’s wedding. When we came back, it took us a little while to settle into our new place (we didn’t have a chance to unpack before we left) and then the next thing we knew, it was Christmas! And then 2015!
Basically this is my long-winded excuse and lead-up to introduce my second and long-awaited Sweets of Toronto post for Dlish Cupcakes, which is without a doubt my favourite cupcake shop in Toronto.
I never thought I would be the type of person who makes her own ice cream. This idea changed when I was diagnosed as lactose-intolerant as a child and later even more so when Trevor and I started dating.
Back when I was diagnosed, there wasn’t a lot of dairy-free food options like there are now. So for a good number of years, I relied on taking those funny tasting Lactaid pills so I wouldn’t have to give up my love of cheese, chocolate and most importantly ice cream. Social events like birthday parties were always a little weird and I soon became known as that kid who had to pop pills in order to eat a slice of pizza or birthday cake.
Years later I was in university, I was on a strict budget and as I slowly stopped taking (or forgetting to buy) the pills, I found that I was able to tolerate eating dairy in small to medium doses. Today I no longer have to take the pills, but since I started dating Trevor, I also don’t purchase as many dairy products since I’m usually stuck eating it myself. When I do buy ice cream or pizza, I tend to feel a little guilty when I eat it in front of him. Food isn’t really that fun unless you get to share.
Canadian food blogger, baking and eating her way through life. Musical theatre fanatic. Personal finance nerd. Sometimes runner/yogi. Green smoothies are pretty amazing.