She Bakes Here Making memories, one recipe at a time Sat, 15 Feb 2020 18:59:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Homemade Gyoza (Grandma Kay recipe) Sat, 15 Feb 2020 16:25:25 +0000 Hellooo! So glad to know that you are still here. It was never my intention to go this long without a recipe or even just a post, but I seriously underestimated how little time I would have, especially after I returned to work after my maternity leave. So what’s new since then? Well, as I […]

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Homemade Gyoza

Hellooo! So glad to know that you are still here. It was never my intention to go this long without a recipe or even just a post, but I seriously underestimated how little time I would have, especially after I returned to work after my maternity leave.


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Lactation Friendly Banana Bread Energy Bites Fri, 22 Jun 2018 16:33:53 +0000 We’re just a couple days away from Thomas turning three months old and I can’t believe how time has flown. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. The weeks are flying by that’s for sure, but those middle of the night feedings are still something else. My sleep deprivation is not as bad as […]

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Lactation Friendly Banana Bread Energy Bites

We’re just a couple days away from Thomas turning three months old and I can’t believe how time has flown. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. The weeks are flying by that’s for sure, but those middle of the night feedings are still something else. My sleep deprivation is not as bad as it was those early weeks when it felt like a horrible combination of being drunk and hungover at the same time, along with feeling like someone was pounding my head with a hammer while I was underwater. After not being able to stomach the sight and smell of coffee during most of my pregnancy, I’ve welcomed it back in my life with open arms. Coffee, I promise I will never leave you again.


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Lemon Chia Seed Pancakes Thu, 08 Mar 2018 12:37:32 +0000 I didn’t expect to go so long without posting, but here is my first recipe of 2018! The beginning of the year was pretty hectic, what with work, attending prenatal classes at the hospital, and just trying to get everything organized before my leave, and most of all, before our baby’s arrival. I’m now a couple days […]

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Lemon Chia Seed Pancakes

I didn’t expect to go so long without posting, but here is my first recipe of 2018! The beginning of the year was pretty hectic, what with work, attending prenatal classes at the hospital, and just trying to get everything organized before my leave, and most of all, before our baby’s arrival. I’m now a couple days into my maternity leave and I finally feel like I have a chance to breathe this year.


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Cocoa Peppermint Crescent Cookies Thu, 21 Dec 2017 12:49:07 +0000 With Christmas only a couple days away, I imagine that most people already have finalized their holiday baking, but I thought I would throw one more recipe in the mix for all the tea lovers out there. Fun fact: I actually made these cookies at the beginning of the month for our condo’s holiday party, […]

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Cocoa Peppermint Crescent Cookies

With Christmas only a couple days away, I imagine that most people already have finalized their holiday baking, but I thought I would throw one more recipe in the mix for all the tea lovers out there. Fun fact: I actually made these cookies at the beginning of the month for our condo’s holiday party, but I forgot to post the recipe until now. Pregnancy brain will do that to you!


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Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Thumbprint Cookies Tue, 28 Nov 2017 12:12:30 +0000 It feels really good to be back in the kitchen after a very busy couple of months. The rest of my summer was pretty much a write-off due to pregnancy fatigue, we were away for most of October due to our Italy trip and then I headed off to Ottawa to attend FBC2017. The beginning […]

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Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Thumbprint Cookies

It feels really good to be back in the kitchen after a very busy couple of months. The rest of my summer was pretty much a write-off due to pregnancy fatigue, we were away for most of October due to our Italy trip and then I headed off to Ottawa to attend FBC2017. The beginning of November had us driving up to Newmarket for my brother’s wedding and afterward, my parents stayed and visited for an extra couple of days. Mid-November, we finally enjoyed some long-awaited weekends that allowed us to do nothing but sleep-in and catch up on housework and laundry. Now, I can’t believe we’re approaching the last month of the year – seriously, where did 2017 go?


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Recap of Our Italy Trip, FBC2017 and a Special Annoucement Fri, 03 Nov 2017 15:14:29 +0000 Helloooo! This is probably the longest I’ve gone without writing a single post. I had every intention to write and share some recipes over the last few months, but life got a little busy and well, I’ll let this post do most of the explaining. Our Trip to Italy At the beginning of October, Trevor […]

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Helloooo! This is probably the longest I’ve gone without writing a single post. I had every intention to write and share some recipes over the last few months, but life got a little busy and well, I’ll let this post do most of the explaining.

Our Trip to Italy

Recap of Our Italy Trip, FBC2017 and a Special Annoucement

At the beginning of October, Trevor and I took a trip to Italy! We had booked this trip back in the summer to try and take advantage of the cooler weather and the quieter tourist season. As luck would have it though, when we arrived in Rome it was 28*C for the first couple days and all we had packed was sweaters, jackets, and long pants. Luckily our AirBnb had air conditioning, so we didn’t melt when we were sleeping, but the first couple of days of walking around in the heat were a little uncomfortable. However, it was still a vacation for us and I made the best of the hot weather by eating gelato every single day. When in Rome, right? (more…)

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Food Nook Tours – Junction Tour Tue, 25 Jul 2017 15:02:12 +0000 A couple weeks ago I was contacted by Bria, creator and owner of Food Nook Tours, about attending one of her tours here in Toronto. Once I saw her email, my fingers couldn’t answer “yes” fast enough. Even though I’ve been living in Toronto for almost seven years, I still love exploring the city and new-to-me […]

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A couple weeks ago I was contacted by Bria, creator and owner of Food Nook Tours, about attending one of her tours here in Toronto. Once I saw her email, my fingers couldn’t answer “yes” fast enough. Even though I’ve been living in Toronto for almost seven years, I still love exploring the city and new-to-me restaurants, bakeries and eateries. Especially when it’s an area of the city that I’m not too familiar with.


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Whole Wheat Flax Pancakes with Stewed Rhubarb Wed, 28 Jun 2017 05:53:57 +0000 I didn’t get my act together in time for a traditional Canada Day recipe to celebrate Canada 150 (real talk: I’m still testing it), so I bring you this non-traditional recipe of Whole Wheat Flax Pancakes with Stewed Rhubarb. Thick, fluffy pancakes with ruby-red stewed rhubarb and drizzled real Canadian maple syrup, this breakfast is […]

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Whole Wheat Flax Pancakes with Stewed Rhubarb

I didn’t get my act together in time for a traditional Canada Day recipe to celebrate Canada 150 (real talk: I’m still testing it), so I bring you this non-traditional recipe of Whole Wheat Flax Pancakes with Stewed Rhubarb. Thick, fluffy pancakes with ruby-red stewed rhubarb and drizzled real Canadian maple syrup, this breakfast is a great way to kick off the upcoming Canada Day long weekend. I consumed a lot of pancakes in the last two weeks to perfect this recipe and I can honestly say that without a doubt, this has become my favourite go-to recipe.

Trevor and I don’t have any real plans for celebrating Canada’s sesquicentennial, but we live in a pretty big city so I’m sure we’ll stumble onto something fun to do. Since the days have been getting longer, we’ve been making a point to get out more instead of hiding out in our air-conditioning. Earlier this month, we explored the Art Gallery of Ontario, enjoyed a free visit to the Royal Museum of Ontario, and wandered through the Taste of Little Italy Festival (complete with a pitcher of sangria and pizza on a patio). Our neighbourhood is also having monthly film screenings in the park and everywhere I turn it seems like more farmer’s markets are popping up. Have I mentioned that I love this time of year? I’m definitely getting my fill of Vitamin D with all this sunshine.


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Sun-dried Tomato Hummus with Chickpeas and White Beans Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:26:04 +0000 For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to be on my A-game in terms of meal prep. Sundays have been spent making granola and chopping fruit for breakfast, slicing carrots and cucumbers for snacking, and soaking and cooking chickpeas and beans for hummus and easy meals for the week. This prep has been […]

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Sun-dried Tomato Hummus with Chickpeas and White Beans

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to be on my A-game in terms of meal prep. Sundays have been spent making granola and chopping fruit for breakfast, slicing carrots and cucumbers for snacking, and soaking and cooking chickpeas and beans for hummus and easy meals for the week. This prep has been helping me enormously in the mornings when it comes to packing lunches and trying to assemble some sort of healthy breakfast. I’m not exactly at my sharpest before 7 am (really, who is?), so I’ll take anything that makes the first part of the day a little bit easier.


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Mushroom Chicken Burgers Mon, 15 May 2017 22:30:42 +0000 I’m sitting here grinning like an idiot because this is the first day we’ve had both sun and warmth in Toronto for a very long time. For the past month, it’s either been one or the other. Or else pouring rain. I actually had to buy a new umbrella a couple weeks ago because my […]

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Mushroom Chicken Burgers

I’m sitting here grinning like an idiot because this is the first day we’ve had both sun and warmth in Toronto for a very long time. For the past month, it’s either been one or the other. Or else pouring rain. I actually had to buy a new umbrella a couple weeks ago because my old one decided to spontaneously turn itself inside out in the wind and then refused to close properly. So yeah, I’m super pumped that it’s finally nice out for real this time. Not bad for the middle of May!


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