Toronto Bakes for Japan April 9th and 10th
By now you have heard of the devastation in Japan. Although life has continued normally for everyone here, over in Japan life will never be the same. Thousands have lost their homes and loved ones and life has not changed since March 11th. As a fourth generation Japanese-Canadian, my heart goes out to everyone affected by the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and now the threat of radiation.
I have volunteered to help out with Toronto Bakes for Japan, which in short form, is a city-wide bake sale on April 9th and 10th, with 100% of the money going to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
If you are from the Greater Toronto Area or know someone who is, this will be a great way to help out the victims in Japan. So far, there are about six different venues located in various parts of the GTA where you can drop off baked goods or volunteer your time to help out.
To find out more information, check out their website, sign up to help out by email at, and follow the event on Facebook and Twitter.
What a wonderful cause and how great that you’re a part of it. I hope it’s a great success.