I have a confession to make – I have a weakness for food court soft pretzels. Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, the Pretzelmaker, if I’m in a mall, I can always smell the cinnamon sugar a mile away. Before we moved, I had no way to fulfill this craving as our former city’s malls didn’t have a pretzel place in their food court. The closest one was when I used to meet my family in Winnipeg and head to Polo Park for last minute Christmas shopping every December. No matter how broke I was, I always got a cinnamon-sugar pretzel.
Now that we live in southern Ontario, it seems that every mall we go to has a pretzel kiosk. At first I didn’t know what to do and out of habit, I would always get my usual order. After a few months, the novelty wore off and now I only get a pretzel once in a while. I still love my cinnamon-sugar laced order, only now it doesn’t seem like a treat when the closest one is a mere 5 minute drive away and not an annual treat.
I’ve been meaning to try and make my own soft pretzels for a while now. I wish I knew that it was this easy, I would have made them sooner. The only problem is how am I going to prevent myself from eating all them in one sitting?
Recipe adapted from Vegan Dad
Besides making regular pretzels, I also made mini pretzel bites. I just couldn’t help myself!
Once the pretzels cooled, I dipped them in melted Earth Balance “buttery” spread and sprinkled them with cinnamon and brown sugar. I wish they came out a little prettier, but I guess this is proof that taste shouldn’t be judged by appearance because they were delicious. Chewy, wholesome and full of cinnamon-sugary goodness.
The flavours don’t stop there. If you don’t like savory, you can have salty pretzels. Pizza-flavoured pretzels. Dip them in ketchup or mustard. Wrap a hot dog inside the dough before baking. The possibilities are endless.