Homemade Gyoza (Grandma Kay recipe)

Homemade Gyoza

Hellooo! So glad to know that you are still here. It was never my intention to go this long without a recipe or even just a post, but I seriously underestimated how little time I would have, especially after I returned to work after my maternity leave.

Lactation Friendly Banana Bread Energy Bites

Lactation Friendly Banana Bread Energy Bites

We’re just a couple days away from Thomas turning three months old and I can’t believe how time has flown. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. The weeks are flying by that’s for sure, but those middle of the night feedings are still something else. My sleep deprivation is not as bad as it was those early weeks when it felt like a horrible combination of being drunk and hungover at the same time, along with feeling like someone was pounding my head with a hammer while I was underwater. After not being able to stomach the sight and smell of coffee during most of my pregnancy, I’ve welcomed it back in my life with open arms. Coffee, I promise I will never leave you again.

Lemon Chia Seed Pancakes

Lemon Chia Seed Pancakes

I didn’t expect to go so long without posting, but here is my first recipe of 2018! The beginning of the year was pretty hectic, what with work, attending prenatal classes at the hospital, and just trying to get everything organized before my leave, and most of all, before our baby’s arrival. I’m now a couple days into my maternity leave and I finally feel like I have a chance to breathe this year.

Cocoa Peppermint Crescent Cookies

Cocoa Peppermint Crescent Cookies

With Christmas only a couple days away, I imagine that most people already have finalized their holiday baking, but I thought I would throw one more recipe in the mix for all the tea lovers out there. Fun fact: I actually made these cookies at the beginning of the month for our condo’s holiday party, but I forgot to post the recipe until now. Pregnancy brain will do that to you!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Thumbprint Cookies

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Thumbprint Cookies

It feels really good to be back in the kitchen after a very busy couple of months. The rest of my summer was pretty much a write-off due to pregnancy fatigue, we were away for most of October due to our Italy trip and then I headed off to Ottawa to attend FBC2017. The beginning of November had us driving up to Newmarket for my brother’s wedding and afterward, my parents stayed and visited for an extra couple of days. Mid-November, we finally enjoyed some long-awaited weekends that allowed us to do nothing but sleep-in and catch up on housework and laundry. Now, I can’t believe we’re approaching the last month of the year – seriously, where did 2017 go?